That's right, there is no hard requirement that these classes be written
in any particular language.  Of course they have to provide Java method
interfaces to the rest of the class library so...

In the IBM VM they are written as Java classes with some native methods.

Harmony has compile-against stubs for these types in the 'kernel' module
so we can build the remainder of the class library.  Some of those stubs
have parts of implementations that may be useful if people don't have a
start of these types already.  Weldon has been writing code to bridge
the harmony kernel classes to the Classpath VM interface.


Etienne Gagnon wrote:
> Up to now, SableVM has managed not to implement any class in C.  Of
> course, one could question the "efficiency" of doing so, but hardly
> question the "maintainability" of it. :-)
> So, I do not think that step 2 is a hard requirement.  (Methods, of
> course, can be native).
> Etienne
> Enrico Migliore wrote:
>> step 2
>> The SableVM has to implement a Java interface, which means that is /has
>> to/ implement in C a small set of Java classes, documented in the
>> following link:


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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