Tim Ellison wrote:
Looking at our wiki pages[1], people have written a description of the
_current_ state of play for a number of class library modules.

However, with our new committers eager to get going, a growing number of
contributors, and people lurking and wondering where they can help, may
I suggest that we try and form a plan for what we want to do over the
next, say, six weeks; over and above the usual bug fixing tasks.

Like all good plans we'll probably get it wrong in a number of ways ;-)
but the idea is that we all agree upon a few themes and goals to ensure
we are all working together on subgoals of the project.  At regular
intervals we should come together with a coherent working system, rather
than always having something broken!

Like every day.

I expect that some of the themes/goals will be relevant across the whole
classlib, and others will be module-specific.  I've created a wiki page
[2] with a suggestion of how it may look -- but the content comes from
everyone so it's not complete.


What's so special about April 21st?



[1] http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/ClassLibrary
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/ClassLibraryPlan

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