The answer to this question (in my opinion) depends on how TCK processes
similar situations.
If we want to successfully perform this suite on Harmony we should be
compatible with RI.
For certain there are a lot of tests into TCK will fail due to this reason
and we should be ready for this.


On 4/24/06, Mikhail Loenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Look at HARMONY-387.
> Example:
> 1)[] b , int off, int len):
> Harmony throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when off<0 or/and len
> <0, while RI throws IndexOutOfBoundsException.
> Specification mentions neither ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException nor
> IndexOutOfBoundsException.
> Actually ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a sub class of
> IndexOutOfBoundsException.
> So the statement "both Harmony and RI throw IndexOutOfBoundsException" is
> true.
> But do we have to throw exactly those exceptions that are thrown by RI?
> Can we throw
> o.a.h.VMRisenNPE that extends NullPointerException?
> What if they throw kind of
> sun.internal.SunFavoriteSubClassOfNullPointerException ?
> Thanks,
> Mikhail
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