George Harley wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

George Harley wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

George Harley wrote:
Of course, the text module has only "implementation-independent tests that designed to be run from classpath". For modules that have got implementation-specific tests then I suppose we could use something like "org.apache.harmony.[module].tests.impl.[package under test]" or "org.apache.harmony.[module].tests.internal.[package under test]" etc. I've got no preference.


Put them in the same package as the class being tested, please, if there is no problem being run that way.

Sorry to be so snippy.  Been a long day.

Sure. No worries.

Why would we want this convoluted package name? Why wouldn't we want to let them be in the same package as the class being tested since it's implementation testing?

OK, point taken about the long package names that may result for tests of org.apache.harmony.* stuff. If the class under test is an internal type (i.e. in the org.apache.harmony.* package space) then I am sure we can all agree on a sensible abbreviation so that the org.apache.harmony part does not appear twice. So, for instance, if we are testing public methods on from the classpath then we could have the test package be

I am concerned that we are all agree on what we mean by "implementation"-specific testing and "internal"-specific testing. I know it has been confusing me a lot.

Yah - we should probably bottom out there...

If we want to run API tests that are specific to our implementation then there is no need to have the test types in the same package name as the class under test and no need for those tests to be on the bootclasspath. Orthogonal to that are tests that are actually testing the internals of a type - these are what I take to be candidates for being in the same package and on the bootclasspath at test time.

So your suggestion is? I agree with you, but when reading the above, I was expecting some kind of "therefore, I think we should...". it could just be that I have no coffee this a.m.



Actually it was me who was suffering the effects of caffeine deficiency. All rectified now :-)

Right, here is a sort of "therefore" that you correctly noticed was missing from my previous note. It's probably more a cry for help as I try and grasp towards simplicity.

I really think that there are only two kinds of unit test in the context of this discussion and I think that where in they live in the file system is key.

First, those that are testing public/API methods (both Java API and our implementation-specific org.apache.harmony.* API) and do not need to be run on the bootclasspath. For tests of Java API types, our test classes are in packages called o.a.h.<module>.tests.<package under test>. Those tests that are dealing with API methods of implementation-specific types (o.a.h.*) can be in test packages that are something like o.a.h.<module>.tests.<appropriate package fragment minus any o.a.h duplication. On the file system all of these API tests can live under <module>/src/test/java and be built to a bin location such as bin/main that can be added as a classpath element in our test scripts.

Sorry, I meant that all tests intended to run on the classpath should be compiled to bin/test.

Next, we have "internal" tests that are intended to access non-public properties of a type irrespective of whether it is a public API type or an implementation-specific type. These tests are in the same package as the type under test and are intended to run on the bootclasspath. They can live under a separate source folder (e.g. <module>/src/test/java-internal or any other of Paulex's suggestions) and get built to a separate output location (e.g. bin/main-internal) that gets added to the bootclasspath. I like using the "-internal" suffix since it makes it clear that the code under those locations has been written explicitly to reach into the internals of a type.

...likewise, I meant that tests intended for the bootclasspath should be compiled to something like a bin/test-internal

Of course the merits of having tests in the same package as the thing under test is another story for another thread but it seems pretty obvious that a lot of folks go for it so I'll respect that.

OK, my coffee cup is empty now.

Best regards,

Best regards,


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