Tim Ellison wrote:
Salikh Zakirov wrote:
Vladimir Gorr wrote:
My personal opinion is we need to improve the existent build system for
DRLVM contribution.
Therefore there are no needs to compile them each of participants. It'd be
fine to have these sources pre-compiled (another snapshot?)
The idea of having something precompiled looks close
to idea of HDK (Harmony Development Kit): to have a binary bundle which makes development of Harmony as convenient as possible.

I think having third party libraries precompiled qualifies as making
DRLVM developer life easier, so it is well worth of implementing in HDK.

As far as I remember, the consensus about HDK was that it would be a good thing, but nobody yet volunteered to do it.

FYI:  Oliver said he was working on it, and has some JIRAs outstanding
to move us towards this goal.

Thanks Tim - seems I lost Salikhs original message in my inbox somewhere.

I have raised HARMONY-469 to rearrange the deploy directory under
Classlib into the proposed HDK shape:


Im also going to work on creating a doc for the website that describes the proposed
layout, in a similar style to the "Project Conventions" docs at [1].


[1] http://incubator.apache.org/harmony/subcomponents/classlibrary/index.html


Oliver Deakin
IBM United Kingdom Limited

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