Stepan Mishura wrote:
> On 5/19/06, Tim Ellison wrote:
>> Stepan Mishura wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > I'm OK only if we separate tests with Jetty from common test suite run.
>> Why?
> Because each external dependency complicates 'normal' test suite run ( I
> don't want to face with situation when to run Harmony test suite I have to
> configure and run 20 different external servers even they are easy
> configurable). As far as I remember we agreed to use mock objects - so
> let's
> use them! For example, in this case there is no need in jetty server.
> I'm not against 'jetty based tests' but I'd prefer to separate such tests.

AIUI the plan is to embed Jetty into the harmony test suite, not call it
out as a dependency we expect people to configure.

This is in contrast to, say, tests for the DNS provider that we will
likely want to use mocks objects to test rather than embed/require an
external DNS server.



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