Some stuff that got lost (because I got consumed by J1 and I was the only one pushing on it) was the idea of ensuring that

1) the HDK could be anywhere - the was no hard-wired spot. That allowed having multiple simultaneous HDKs (ex different snapshot version) at the same time as a full build

2) the build should ensure that the materials of the HDK never get overwritten so that we can always tell a contributor w/ a question "first, before we debug this, do a ant hdk-copy.." or something to easily get them to a known good state.

This to me sounds like we need some kind of working directory and a 'hdk-copy' target.

The working model then allows freedom of choosing an hdk or a current full build as the 'base' to work with...

Does this make any sense to anyone else?


Oliver Deakin wrote:
Hi all,

I have opened HARMONY-485, which proposes an additional doc for the website describing the HDK and its contents. The layout of the HDK described in the doc matches that produced by the build script alterations raised in

I hope that eventually (once the natives are modularised
and build scripts are altered to understand/use the HDK) the doc will expand into a more full description of how developers can use the HDK to rebuild Java/native code.


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