Yep, in fact recent builds of Eclipse can cope with the kernel jars if
you specify -Dpde.allowCycles=true as well as -Dpde.jreProfile=none on
the launch-line.

(We should plan to put the stubs and tests support jars into the HDK
when we get there, but yes, in the meantime link/load it into the


Nathan Beyer wrote:
> After you've got everything built and you have the PDE's Target Platform
> pointing at the 'deploy\jdk\jre\lib\boot' folder you should just need to add
> the luni-kernel-stubs.jar to your build path. Most of the dependencies
> should be resolved as "Plug-in Dependencies". You'll also need to add the
> 'build\tests' as a class folder so that the tests can compile. I usually do
> this by creating a new linked folder.
> -Nathan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bidea Cristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 4:11 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Problems with builth path!
>> Hello to everyone
>> I've tried setting up my Eclipse environment for working on Harmony (at
>> list trying) and I faced a problem. I've compiled the classpath and I've
>> installed the VM from IBM. After that I've started Eclipse, after
>> putting the required options in eclipse.ini, setting everything and
>> checking it twice.
>> When I checkout a module from repository I keep getting the same error
>> at build:
>> Severity and Description
>> The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot
>> find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try
>> building this project
>> I'm not sure what should I include in the path or what am I doing wrong.
>> In Eclipse in the Java Build Path menu I have only the option to include
>> jars. I even tried to put everything from the Harmony/build directory
>> into a jar and after that including it into java build path but it
>> generated even more errors.
>> I'm using Eclipse 3.2RC7.
>> Thanks,
>> Cristian
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