Mark Hindess wrote:
On 14 June 2006 at 7:24, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oliver Deakin wrote:
2) The makefiles for each native component include two files
(defines.mak and rules.mak on windows and makefile.include
and on linux) that are generic across all components.

The question is: where should these common files be located once
the natives are moved into the modules?

At the moment, I can't really see an obvious location where all modules
could access them.
The only option I've thought of so far is to have one copy of the files in
each module that contains native code (so that would be one copy in
each of archive, auth, luni, prefs and text). The files would be located
/modules/<modulename>/src/main/native, and shared by all the
native components under that module.
Any preferences/ideas about this?
I think that works.  I've been having similar thoughts about this re
drlvm, and have been using the classlib make config as a reference.  I'm
trying to limit the amount of duplicated things because I'm slothful and
lazy and don't want to maintain them.

I'd rather not maintain lots of copies.  Could we not keep the shared
parts in the deploy (I was tempted to say hdk) somehow?  It's might
sound a little crazy but actually given that we want modules to be
consistent with other compiled artifacts it's actually quite useful to
have common structure, variable and compile flag settings.

I would also prefer if we could find a good central place to keep these rather than many copies -
do you have any suggestions?

If we copy them into deploy at build time (similar to how we copy in the headers) then we
just need to pick a place for them to live before they are copied.
Putting them under depends didn't quite feel right to me at first - I thought the depends directory was intended to contain external dependencies, but now that I look at it I see that the depends/files dir contains the Harmony properties files, so maybe I'm wrong. If that's the case,
then perhaps they could go in a separate directory under depends?
Alternatively, they could go into a subdir of /make, but I like that less.



(Aside: The linux kernel used to do something like this with a Rules.make file that you included. Now they do it slightly differently
where you set a variable pointing to your module source and use the
standard kernel Makefile from the built source tree like:

  make -C <kernel-source-dir> M=$PWD modules modules_install

I quite like this since it ensures consistency.)


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Oliver Deakin
IBM United Kingdom Limited

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