On 23 June 2006 at 17:10, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rana Dasgupta wrote:
> > On 6/23/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >>Pavel Pervov wrote:
> >> >> Geir,
> >> >>
> >> >> What's the first thing we do?
> >> >> I'd suggest switching the build to 1.5.
> >> >>
> >> >> The rest will come shortly :)
> >>
> >> >Now that's a plan! :)
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Geir,
> >  Actually what Pavel says makes sense. Not sure what plan we need. We could
> > do it either way. We can make some changes to the class structure, loader,
> > and the jit/interpreter, and submit a couple of patches. It is not the
> > "huge" patch that you have mentioned .. 7-8 files or so. Or we can switch
> > the build first. This will break drlvm for a short time, and we can
> > submit a
> > couple of bug fixes to get it going again. This way, we will just add the
> > minimum needed for removing the compiler hack. Whatever way you think makes
> > sense.
> >  However, you started this thread with saying "no patch over the wall"
> > and making this "learning exercise about DRLVM". Where are you going with
> > this? Do you want to actually enumerate/discuss which source files need to
> > change and in what way, on this thread so that more people can participate?
> > 
> > Marginally confused :-)
> > Rana
> Just for the record, my goal was to avoid 'moving the goalposts' for
> drlvm to integrate with the classlib and run the tests, apps, etc.
> If consensus here is that moving to 5.0 (and thereby delaying that goal)
> is more desirable then I'm happy to go along with it, though I'm keen to
> get the entire end-to-end story working soonest.
> Regards,
> Tim

My feeling at the moment is that although drlvm and classlib are working
together[0], it is evident[1] that things are not really integrated.
I would prefer to see "real integration" before we break[0] things by
moving to 5.0.

As Geir pointed out recently, we are not just a Class library project,
so perhaps a change of focus is warranted?  Perhaps if we can agree a
set of prerequisite goals (involving our JVMs) for moving to 5.0, we can
... err ... encourage this change of focus?

My prerequisite goals would include things like:

1) Fix the (reasonable) 'hacks' that help us get this far with drlvm
integration - e.g. the static libhyprt.a for instance.[2]

2) Implement enough of the classlibadapter kernel classes such that
JCHEVM will run 'ant rebuild' in classlib[3].  We have some difficult
problems (thread attach) but there is also a lot of low hanging fruit in
terms of missing or incomplete methods.

3) Get drlvm loading with the Harmony launcher from Classlib so we
can have both drlvm and IBM VME around for testing.  I think this is
important because it will make it easier for people to test with either

4) Change the drlvm build so that its deploy tree layout has no classlib
files in it.  So we can do ...

5) Create the top-level build that can combine the trimmed drlvm deploy
tree and the classlib deploy tree to produce a working jdk.  (In much
the same way that we currently combine the classlib and IBM VME.)

6) Pull out shared dependencies to top-level so we only need one copy.

At the moment, I think moving to 5.0 would increase the divide between
the JVMs and Classlib.

In the meantime there is still plenty of work to do for those that, for
whatever reasons, don't find these tasks exciting enough - for instance,
the missing java.lang.Character/java.lang.Math methods[4].


[0] Thanks Geir!

[1] http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-651

[2] This isn't a criticism; I think these hacks can be justified.

[3] I tried this the other day.  It got to the second (non-comment) line
of the first ant script before crashing because ClassLoader.getResources()
isn't implemented yet.

[4] http://www.kaffe.org/~stuart/japi/htmlout/h-jdk15-harmony.html#pkg_java_lang

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