On 7 July 2006 at 16:18, "Vladimir Gorr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/7/06, Mark Hindess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 7 July 2006 at 12:55, "Alexey Varlamov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I know the topic of test layouts is too popular here, but let me
> > > offer some more grounds :)
> > >
> > > I think classlib tests should include a suite for VM-independent
> > > kernel tests, like recently created testcases in H-765 and
> > > H-721. The latter has gone to drlvm/vm/tests/smoke suite, which
> > > also has a number of good candidates for moving to a common place.
> > >
> > > I see classlib/luni-kernel as the most natural location for now,
> > > but maybe it worths a separate module altogether?
> >
> > Yes.  I think tests that should pass on any VM's kernel
> > classes should live in the classlib modules (luni-kernel or
> > security-kernel).
> Agree. However we should have the possibility to run the class library
> tests against any VM.
> AFAIK we cannot provide this thing right now (java launcher requests
> the clearvm library).
> All class library tests are run under J9 as default VM. I'd be not
> bad to start running these tests against DRLVM as well. Otherwise the
> tests for the JIRA issues mentioned in this thread will be useless if
> we put them on the class lib modules. Correct?

Well, I'm hoping someone will look at getting drlvm working under
the launcher - so that there is more chance that people will run the
classlib tests with something other than the IBM VME.  However, in the
meantime, I am running them on linux with:

  ln -s $DRL/bin/ij $DRL/bin/java
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DRL/bin ant -Dtest.jre.home=$DRL test

under linux, and I'm sure you can do something similar under windows.

Sadly lots of tests fail and some hang.  I've not really had chance to


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