On 7/10/06, Alex Astapchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just commited http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-816
into JIRA.

Thanks.  I will look at it today.

It contains the changes for Jitrino.JET:

- magics support for MMTk
- write barriers for Java for MMTk
- a simple test to check the things are alive

I also have few questions on unboxed package and some MMTk
internals, that I was unable to resolve myself (I used javadocs
from http://jikesrvm.sourceforge.net/api/) and I would
appreciate a help on resolving them.

The main obstacle is that writeBarrier method in PlanLocal is
instance method.
I failed to find a way how to get the proper instance during
runtime - and this is the first question - how to get the
proper instance of PlanLocal ?

Yes.  We will need to add APIs for the jit to get the ref ptrs to a
few MMTk java objects.  My guess is that MMTk can allocate these
objects in "immortal space" which is never moved, never collected thus
the ref pointer is always valid.

Currently, I've made a presumption that there must be some
static method to get it.

We need to discuss the approaches.  The API could be a static java
method but this requires the JIT to call out to java code while
jitting which might not be a good idea.  Another approach is to use
the existing class loader API to return the address of a java static
variable.  Its a proven/tested existing interface.  Thoughts?

I used a simple fake stub to test the implementation
(it's in PlanLocal.java attached to the JIRA).

Also, there are few questions on unboxed package:

  - Address::max() - what is 'maximul allowable Address' ?

I think its 2**32 or 2**32-1 or something like that.

       A highest valid addres in heap ? Or simply ~(void*)0 ?
The above seems reasonable.  The rest of your questions I will think
about and get back to you.

  - What's the diff between diff() and sub() ? diff()=='abs(sub())' ?
  - Word::one() - what's this ? (Object)1 ?
  - what is AddressArray::getBacking() ?
  - rshl, rshr, rsha - they shift, but what and how
       exactly they're shifting ?
  - what are exact values for mode argument in writeBarrier ?
       Currently, I'm simply using 0/1/2.


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