On 11 July 2006 at 13:56, Mark Hindess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11 July 2006 at 16:42, "Ivan Volosyuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > Working on it. Not sure I like the way make is called from ant build.
> > Here is an example:
> > 
> > (from modules/luni/build.xml)
> > 
> >     <target name="clean.native" if="is.windows">
> >         <exec failonerror="true"
> >               executable="${make.command}"
> >               dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/vmi/${hy.os}">
> >             <env key="HY_HDK" value="${hy.hdk}" />
> >                     <arg line="clean" />
> >         </exec>
> >         <exec failonerror="true"
> >               executable="${make.command}"
> >               dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/luni/${hy.os}">
> >             <env key="HY_HDK" value="${hy.hdk}" />
> >                     <arg line="clean" />
> >         </exec>
> >                 <exec failonerror="true"
> >               executable="${make.command}"
> >               dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/launcher/${hy.os}">
> >             <env key="HY_HDK" value="${hy.hdk}" />
> >                     <arg line="clean" />
> >         </exec>
> >         <exec failonerror="true"
> >               executable="${make.command}"
> >               dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/vmls/${hy.os}">
> >             <env key="HY_HDK" value="${hy.hdk}" />
> >                     <arg line="clean" />
> >         </exec>
> >     </target>
> > 
> > This means that I should copy paste the environment variable from ant
> > variable conversion code in dozen of places. BTW, why the clean up is
> > just windows specific? What about Linux?
> Good question.  I look forward to Oliver's answer. ;-)
> > I'm going to create some kind of macro command which will include all
> > common settings for make execution. (/me is reading manuals)
> Excellent idea.  Something like (untested):
>   <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/vmls/${hy.os}" target="clean" />
> and:
>   <macrodef name="make">
>     <attribute name="dir" />
>     <attribute name="target" default="" />
>     <sequential>
>       <exec failonerror="true"
>             executable="${make.command}"
>             dir="@{dir}">
>         <env key="HY_HDK" value="${hy.hdk}" />
>         <arg line="@{target}" />
>       </exec>
>     <sequential>
>   </macrodef>
> (You might have to make the default for target "all".)
> At the moment the only common file you could put this in is
> properties.xml which isn't elegant but it might be okay for now.  We
> really need to have a common file that gets moved to the deploy tree -
> like the make fragments.


I'm going to add something like this to svn shortly.  I decided I should
fix the windows only clean in luni.  And a couple of other issues.


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