> Ivan Volosyuk wrote:
>> I have already implemented it using ant variables, look at the latest
>> patch. You can use following notation with it:
>>  ant -Dhy.cfg=release

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Now we're getting somewhere.
> I assume then I can put this into the build.properties that we'll be
> adding Real Soon Now (as I can never remember command line args anyway...)

Please, please, do *not* introduce any more build.properties files.

The files that may need to be customized to get specific build configuration
should never be version-controlled. Besides, keeping configuration files
in the workspace means you cannot make your configuration permanent.
I see the properties files as anti-usable.

The main point of using environment variables instead of ant properties
is an ability to do a *workstation-specific* configuration in a permanent way,
so that I do not need to do any configuration steps before the build for
the fresh workspace, once I have configured my environment.

And by the way, the solution to run 'HY_CFG=xyz ant' with 
    <property environment="env"/>
    <condition property='hy.cfg' value='${env.HY_CFG}'>
       <isset property="env.HY_CFG"/>
worked perfectly for the DRLVM builds on Windows. What's more,
it is *compatible* with 'ant -Dhy.cfg=...' syntax. 

I have not heard any specific concerns why this can't be used.

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