On the 0x1A6 day of Apache Harmony Vera Volynets wrote:
> *************   GC heap verification infrastructure   *************** 
> Hi,
> I have been working on implementing GC heap verification infrastructure
> for Stop-The-World GC in DRLVM.
> This infrastructure is intended be used with any stop-the-world GC
> implementation, conforming to the GC-VM interface (described in gc.h and
> vm_gc.h), with only a minor GC-VM interface change. 
> It works on Windows and Linux ia32 platforms.

cool feature! did you find any bugs in DRLVM while testing?
do you have plans/ideas for future development of the tool?

> [...]
> *Patch contents*
> This is an individual contribution, and it was prepared according to the
> requirements of Apache cleanroom process; the size of two files all in
> all is about 30kb (161 and 585 lines). 
> -Patch Add-function-to-gc-interface.txt

oh, I found it! HARMONY-881 

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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