Alexey Petrenko wrote:
> 2006/7/22, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Alexey Petrenko wrote:
>> > There are not much news to share...
>> >
>> > First of all I realized that I did not completely build Yoko. My build
>> > was failed with the test failure. I thought that all the tests are at
>> > the end so all the sources are built. But Yoko runs the tests after
>> > building each module...
>> > I reviewed Yoko bug database and found the issue corresponding to my
>> > failure, applied fix to my repository and definitely finished the
>> > build after that :)
>> Ok.
>> >
>> > I've tried to run Maven on Harmony classlib+drlvm but have failed with
>> > it. Ant lets to define Java executable to run on by environment
>> > variable but I could not find such option for Maven. I've renamed
>> > ij.exe into java.exe and set JAVA_HOME to drlvm location. Maven
>> > started with Harmony after that but failed with Java version check.
>> > Drlvm shows version like 11.smth.smth.
>> > Probably we should fix this in drlvm. Or at least discuss this.
>> Both are fixed in current version, or should be if it's just using the
>> first line reported by "-versin"
>> >
>> > I also found a shell script inside Yoko which can run Yoko tests
>> > without Maven. But I had not time to try it yet...
>> >
>> Ok - I don't understand quite what you are trying to do.
>> The goal is to integrate yoko to satisfy the corba requirements for java
>>  5.  it sounds like you are trying to run Yoko using Harmony.  This is
>> something that will happen, but w/o any integration into classlib, right
>> now no one can look at this with you.
>> Can you come up with a first-pass, simple, just-get-it-in-there
>> integration into the classlibrary?
> Yes. First of all I'm trying to understand can Yoko work with Harmony or
> not.
> Integration... You said that we need to download some jar from Yoko to
> our deploy directory and use it. I agree with you since run Yoko's
> build script from our build script is not a good idea.
> But Yoko does not have any prebuilt jars for download right now. So we
> should discuss this possibility on dev-list of Yoko.

I see.  They are working on it though, IIRC (I keep an eye on their dev

But until then, you're right - lest just go with each of us building it
if we need to and dropping into depends/jars or something, in a way
similar to how mx4j, xerces, xalan and other dependencies (and
eventually nudge them to create a snapshot).

> How do you see "a first-pass, simple, just-get-it-in-there integration
> into the classlibrary"?

I was assuming that for the simplest zero-th order integration, we'd do
what we do now w/ MX4J - have a jar somewhere and eventually gets moved
into jre/lib/boot/yoko-M1/ and an appropriate entry in

We'll probably need some kind of glue for startup/initialization?

Does that make any sense?


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