Yoko guys are preparing M1 release... Probably they will put all jars
needed by us right after their M1 :)

It seems that we (I) should start discussion on Yoko dev list to make
Yoko compatible with 1.5. If it will not brake their plans. And make
some fixes for Yoko.

SY, Alexey

2006/7/25, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This is excellent news!  So, how do we get it integrated? :)


Alexey Petrenko wrote:
> 2006/7/18, Alexey Petrenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Guys,
>> There is a CORBA implementation in Apache incubator named Yoko.
>> http://incubator.apache.org/yoko/
>> I've built and reviewed it... It seems that Yoko have almost all the
>> packages from the 1.5 specification.
>> So it looks like a good candidate for using as CORBA for Harmony.
>> The only problem is that Yoko has even more packages in org.omg then
>> specified by 1.5 specification. So we should decide what to do with
>> them.
>> I'm planing to do the following things in nearest future:
>> 1. Get the list of the not implemented classes in Yoko according to
>> 1.5 spec.
> I've attached the japi results of comparison of Yoko Core vs 1.5 spec...
> The summary is: "Success rate is 77.6%. Bad: 112 classes, 50
> interfaces, 576 methods. Missing: 3 packages, 21 classes, 13
> interfaces, 37 methods, 2 constructors. Abs.add: 2 methods"
> SY, Alexey
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Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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