On 7/25/06, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:mm...

Do you mean VM or classlib? I'm not familiar with current VM(DRL,
JCHEVM, BootJVM...)'s structure, but for classlib, IIRC we have
discussed these issue before, and seems the agreement is to layout them
into directories,

For example, the LUNI module has platform dependent natives, while
Security has platform dependent java codes, they are layout as this:

src -- main -- java(native) -- share
                                      -- linux
                                      -- windows

The question is what to do if the code depends not only on an operating
system but on
a machine architecture too. (em64t,ipf ...)

And it is only about the classlib. The DRLVM has possibilities to add
architecture dependent code. (I don't know about other vms - I'm not
familiar with them too)


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