On 9/18/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm working on the implementation of MMTk's
package functionality in Jitrino.OPT compiler.
If you are interested to participate in the development, I propose to
discuss all details in this mail thread.

The current state:
Part of the functionality of vmmagic package is done in the magic1.patch.
See JIRA 1489 (http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1489)

Tasks that are not finished:
1) Support of unsigned types.
2) Support of atomic prepare/attempt operations
3) Testing suit for vmmagic package.
4) EM64T support

I hope items 1) and 2) will be finished in a week or even sooner if
helps. After it's done the item 4) won't be a problem.
I think that the problem (at least for me) is item 3): we need a test
for vmmagic package. I saw several tests in Weldon's drlvm/trunk/vm/MMTk
folder, but this is not sufficient to cover the whole vmmagic package.
anyone know/can_write a reliability test suite for vmmagic we can use in

A regression test for vmmagic exists.  I have been trying to get it donated
and posted to MMTk repository.  Its been a couple of months and no
response.  I will find out if it can be donated to Apache.

Mikhail Fursov

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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