I put the update into JIRA. This update still has a lot of bugs, but is
significantly more stable then the initial one.
My plan is to work on lock prefix support in Jitrino.OPT CG  tomorrow, so if
somebody is interested to enhance the current implementation there will no
conflicts in our work.

+ There are several issues to discuss that are not clear to me:

1) Do we allow to save magic class into object fields? If yes, GC must be
aware about magics and do not enumerate magic fields.

2) Do we allow to a method to return a magic class?

3) Do we allow to a method to accept a magic class as a parameter? If yes,
we need some modifications in VM code.

4) Why do we need all of these types: Word, Offset, Extent if they are all
just platform dependent unsigned integers? I understand that code of garbage
collectors already uses these types and we must support them all, but what
was the initial reason to introduce all of them?

Thats all for today. Will provide an update in a day or two.

On 9/18/06, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/18/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I'm working on the implementation of MMTk's
> "org.vmmagic.unboxed<org/vmmagic/unboxed/package-frame.html>"
> package functionality in Jitrino.OPT compiler.
> If you are interested to participate in the development, I propose to
> discuss all details in this mail thread.
> The current state:
> Part of the functionality of vmmagic package is done in the magic1.patch
> See JIRA 1489 (http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1489)
> Tasks that are not finished:
> 1) Support of unsigned types.
> 2) Support of atomic prepare/attempt operations
> 3) Testing suit for vmmagic package.
> 4) EM64T support
> I hope items 1) and 2) will be finished in a week or even sooner if
> someone
> helps. After it's done the item 4) won't be a problem.
> I think that the problem (at least for me) is item 3): we need a test
> suite
> for vmmagic package. I saw several tests in Weldon's drlvm/trunk/vm/MMTk
> folder, but this is not sufficient to cover the whole vmmagic package.
> Does
> anyone know/can_write a reliability test suite for vmmagic we can use in
> Harmony?

A regression test for vmmagic exists.  I have been trying to get it
and posted to MMTk repository.  Its been a couple of months and no
response.  I will find out if it can be donated to Apache.

> Mikhail Fursov

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

Mikhail Fursov

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