Gregory Shimansky wrote:
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 04:59 Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Also I've noticed that deploy directory is gone from drlvm/trunk/build. I
am sure I am missing something (2k emails to read yet), maybe I am not
using the right executable, but as long as it works it is ok to me :)
Yes - we just had it done by flag to skip the copy step if you don't care.

So if you want it to happen, just  specify -Ddeploy.canonical.flag=true

I put it in a file in build/

I am sure there should be some place where all ant properties could be described. There are so many building and testing tricks when running ant I cannot remember them all. README.txt in drlvm/trunk/build is very short.

Agreed, and not the right place. Better would be a document called "Ant Build Properties" on the website :)


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