On 10/15/06, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mikhail Fursov wrote:
> 6)
>> Does GCV4 work with jit_gc.diff?
> Yes. The rootset reported by JIT is the same. The only change is that
> instead of the method 'enumerate(mptr, base)' JIT uses the method
> 'enumerate(mptr, offset)' that was used before only for mptrs with
> offsets (offsets known during compilation of a method)

Why do we care abouve GCv4?

Well, if I remember correctly, we decided to have GCV4 and GCV4.1 both build
and run smoke tests.  Perhaps this has changed and I simply did not know.

> 7)
>> Instead of applying jit_gc.diff what about applying
>> retrieve_root_set.diff?
>> If it is now too hard to rollback SVN, how about reopening JIRA1862 and
>> also
>> applying retrieve_root_set.diff also?  The rationale is that there has
>> not
>> been adequate discussion on modifying the semantics of JIT/GC
> I vote not to rollback JIT patch. JIT is more flexible with this patch
> without any additional cost. The  code is slightly increased (4-6 lines)
> but
> it makes debugging simpler :)

This is good.  I had no way of knowing this without asking.  Its good this
is on record.

> 8)
>> Note that retrieve_root_set.diff does not impact JIT/VM/GC
>> interfaces.  It
>> is only local to gcv4.1.  Also note retrieve_root_set.diff patch line
>> count
>> is 13 and jit_gc.diff line count is 179.
> In the JIT patch I cleaned unused enumeration methods from JIT
> added comments and replaced the one large loop with two of smaller
> size(precaching, reporting). The real number of new lines is less than
> So IMO the correct fix for this problem is in the trunk. GC has cmd-line
> option to disable object moving during the enumeration and it's enough.

Weldon, clearly this modification is a problem for you.  Why?

Because the above questions had not been asked or answered.  I thought it
was the job of a committer to ask questions about what they are going to

I have zero problem with the commit as long as it does not imply a change to
the interface between JIT/GC/VM.  I suspect Xiao Feng will find no problems
with the commit.  Xiao Feng, please comment.


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Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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