On Tuesday 17 October 2006 00:01 Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Gregory Shimansky wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > After reading several threads about drlvm tests failing for quite a while
> > I decided we need to exclude them temporarily until the bugs are fixed.
> > When on test fails, it means that other are not run after it because
> > drlvm has several sets of tests which run in different modes, so there
> > are many test runs in one "build test" command. When some test doesn't
> > work for quite some time it means that other may not be ran for this
> > period and we can get more failures accidently.
> That's actually not true.  I never commit unless all tests (minus some
> kernel tests) run.
> The Finalizer and PhanRefQueueTest are flakey - I always repeat until
> the passed, so the rest could run.   I'm just sick of it, so i did the
> magic @keyword attribute and committed.

I never said you do. It is just an inconvenience for other people too, we also 
try to check a patch before submission to JIRA.

> > Excluding tests is not good, but not running some basic commit checks is
> > worse, so I think we need to disable them until the bugs are fixed. So
> > far I know about 3 tests which fail for sure:
> >
> > gc.LOS - stably hangs on windows XP
> > gc.Finalizer and gc.PhantomReferenceQueue - fail because of incorrect CCE
> > condition detected, fail with rate less than 100%. Ok I've just read that
> > Geir has excluded them already
> >
> > Are there any other tests which don't work perfectly to do a clean tests
> > run? I think we need it do make minimal commit checks for drlvm.
> >
> > I've seen java.lang.ThreadTest in kernel tests to output something that
> > it has failed on reference JRE. Is this test correct if it doesn't work
> > on RI? The failure however doesn't seem to make test run to fail so maybe
> > we could leave this test for now.
> >
> > I also have a question about 15 smoke tests excluded with XXX or X_int
> > keywords. They've been disabled since I remember. Is there any reason why
> > they aren't included in test runs?
> I tried to put some back.  StackTest still doesn't work.  It's hard to
> believe...   so I gave up and just kept going :)

I wonder if the test or the implementation are wrong. Maybe someone who added 
the test initially could know the answer.

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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