On 20 Oct 2006 19:15:46 +0700, Egor Pasko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>To sum up my thoughts:

>* debugging_VM_and_JIT
>+ is outdated
>+ covers both linux and windows debugging tips intermixed
>+ has instructions for JET tracing (quite valid)

>* Let's make make it 2 separate docs: "Linux debugging" and >"Windows
>debugging". A new guy reading one of these two docs will most >likely
>not want to read another. The interection between the two would >be
>rather small (promise)

>* I listed a number of linux quickstart HOWTOs which, I think, is >a
>good base for the "Linux debugging" part.

>* Mikhail supports the MSVC project file(s) and can add >something to
>"Windows debugging" doc (Mikhail, do you love technical writing?:)

Sounds good. For MSVC debugging, we don't really need project and solution

devenv /debugexe executable to debug any exe
and vs7jit -p pid to attach to a running process

are fine and generate a temp. debug solution file on the fly. It is really
very straightforward. But it does not hurt to say all this in a simple doc.

* Let's make the 3rd doc "DRLVM Advanced Debugging and Bug >Isolation"
>(Some people around are having good ideas on it). JET traceing >would
>move here.


* there are some shortcomings (in both classlib and DRLVM) that >do not
>allow us to enable a usable debug build quickly. And description
>falls into a category like "hack here and there if you like". That's
>not what the ideal instructions should be. Maybe, it makes sense >to
>postpone the task until we enable default debug builds >everywhere.

Agree with this too.

* Thaking the one above into account, I would suggest to start >"Linux
>debugging" on Wiki. Does it make sense to put it in the FAQ? >How do
>you like the idea of Harmony_Debug_Troubleshooting on Wiki?

>did I forget something?

As Nadya suggests below...

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