On the 0x208 day of Apache Harmony Geir Magnusson, Jr. wrote:
> Egor Pasko wrote:
> > On the 0x208 day of Apache Harmony Tonny Lau wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I checked out the latest drlvm, and failed to set breakpoint when I used
> >> gdb. It seems the
> >> "harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/lnx_ia32_gcc_debug/deploy/jre/bin/java"
> >> is copied from "harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/deploy/jdk/jre/bin/java",
> >> i.e., it is not a debug version. Does anyone know how to debug it? Thanks!
> > Oh! should be on the site!! some day .. some day ..
> > Yes, it's the launcher. It is taken from classlib (which is not built
> > in debug mode even if DRLVM is built in debug (=default)). If you want
> > to build the launcher in debug mode, change:
> > working_classlib/depends/build/makefile.include
> > (put -O0 -g instead of -O1)
> > pretty, huh? :)
> How about a patch, Egor? :)

The best patch is HARMONY-803 from Ivan. AFAIR, the only reason it is
not committed is the lack on windows support (doors are ok).

If nobody volunteers to make the windows, I am afraid, I will have
to. We need to have full debug build everywhere. Being not the greatest
expert in windows, I am warning you :)

There is one more limitation to overcome here. We need to fix a number
of Jitrino bugs that are reproducible on classlib tests with Jitrino
in debug mode (thanks to Alexey Varlamov for reporting them). That's
what I am doing now.

> BTW, this is a good faq entry...

I hope to have a better FAQ entry -- "options" instead of the "patch".
Now it's the best place in .. ehm, "build troubleshooting"

> > to debug on linux you should export LD_LIBRARY_PATH for GDB:
> > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$jre/bin:$jre/bin/default
> > (you know what $jre is:)
> > (news is that tere should be no slashess at the end of each path, and no
> > soft links inside, surprize, surprize:)
> > then you can run GDB and, at least, see threads created, etc..
> > DRLVM is quite distributed between shared libraries, so it is not
> > easy
> > to set breakpoints somewhere in libraries' code. There are 2
> > approaches: 1. drop asm("int3") in your code, rebuild and catch it
> > via an
> >    ordinary run from within GDB
> > 2. stop at position when nothing interesting happend, but all
> >    libraries are loaded (my favourite)
> > for (2) I use 2 custom GDB scripts "hstart" and "hrun". "hstart"
> > makes
> > the first stop on my favourite start point. "hrun" uses those
> > breakpoints to stop on the point with further runs in the GDB session.
> > To get these two, drop these lines into your ~/.gdbinit:
> > ---------------------------------------
> > define hstart
> > break main
> > run
> > break hysl_open_shared_library
> > continue
> > finish
> > disable
> > break compile_jit_a_method
> > continue
> > disable
> > end
> > define hrun
> > en 1
> > run
> > en 2
> > continue
> > finish
> > disable
> > en 3
> > continue
> > disable
> > end
> > ---------------------------------------
> > good luck! ;)
> >
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Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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