Egor Pasko wrote:
On the 0x20C day of Apache Harmony Aleksey Ignatenko wrote:
Hello all!

As you probably know current version of harmony DRLVM has no class unloading
support. This leads to the fact that some Java applications accumulate
memory leaks leading to memory overflow and crashes.

In this message I would like to describe two approaches for class unloading
in DRLVM and propose to implement one of them as basic. Pros and cons for
both approaches are presented below. Lets name these approaches:

   1. Mark and scan based approach.
   2. Automatic class unloading approach.

I am +1 to (2)=(Automatic class unloading approach). Do not like
But it has 1 more "cons" -- JIT should change it's devirtualizer
accordingly to the VTable change. Doable, of course.

BTW, is it reasonable to "compress" or "enumerate" references to
j.l.Class in each object to reduce the footprint? How many classes are
alive in heavy-duty applications? not very much probably.

What is your sense of "very much"? IOW, how many would make you say, "yeah, that's a lot"


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