On 10/28/06, Rana Dasgupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/27/06, Xiao-Feng Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Yes. That's also my opinion. The _design_ of class unloading is >the
> >focus of the discussion.

I think that before doing an optimization, it is a good idea to understand
why and where it is needed, and if the usage scenario fits what the
is intending to do. So this discussion is not misplaced. I am not very
comfortable with adding a solution before we have understood the problem.
Probably the first step is to create a use case that can be used to see if
class unloading is the solution.

Rana, I do not understand why do you call class unloading 'an
optimization'. In this case any GC is optimization too. Class
unloading is fundamental feature of
Java language. I would even say that if your application uses custom
classloader and you never thought about class unloading the design of your
application is not complete.
We can never claim that Harmony supports Java 1.5 or even Java 1.2 if it
does not support unloading for classloaders. As for me, this is very
important to have this feature and Aleksey's patch is quite a good
beginning. At least in JIT it does not require any changes at all.

Mikhail Fursov

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