My knowledge in this area is limited. But my understanding was that web
servers and other similar hosts recycled processes periodically as standard
procedure, thereby tearing down all associated resources. So classes loaded,
but not used for a while went away anyway; this level of resource management
was not really urgent. I know that IIS does this, I am not sure about httpd.
I am not sure about other host environments.

On 10/27/06, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rana Dasgupta wrote:
> Aleksey,
>   I had a couple of questions.
>   You state that DRLVM does not implement the class unloading
> and this may create memory pressure on some applications that load many
> classes. Do we have a real case / example where an application is stuck
> insufficient memory because it uses a lot of classes initially and then
> stops using them, but these are not unloaded? One can imagine a web
> doing something like this. Is a web browser a typical use case for the
> Harmony JVM?

If I understand what you're asking correctly, you'll find this pattern
in servlet engines or J2EE servers, where deployed apps can be dumped
and reloaded repeatedly either during development or during production
deployment, w/o taking the server down.


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