For helpers, we can let the owning components to initialize them
through VM interfaces if this is possible. And this is done when the
owning components are initialized by the VM.


On 10/27/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
VM gurus,

In the previous thread called "[drlvm] Using JNI methods in VM's components"
we have agreed that the best way for a component's Java code to communicate
with a component's native code is to load the native library with "
System.load/loadLibrary(..)" call.

We have one more issue to discuss: Who is responsible to initiate this

The example: EMThreadSupport class creates a Java thread that is used for
asynchronous profile checks and hot methods recompilation in EM.
The question: Who will start the thread if I move EMThreadSupport out of the
kernel classes?

My proposal is to add the following service:
1. The VMStart class looks for all system properties with some reserved
prefix name.
2. The VMStart class treats the value of the property as a name of some
3. The VMStart class calls predefined static method for the class: init
4. When VM is shutting down, the VMStart class performs steps 1-3 but calls
deinit method instead of init.

What do you think about this? Other ideas?

EMThreadSupport is not the only usecase. The fast-path helper classes is
another usecase: the helper class must be initialized before use.

Mikhail Fursov

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