On the 0x212 day of Apache Harmony Tonny Lau wrote:
> 30 Oct 2006 11:03:50 +0600, Egor Pasko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > On the 0x212 day of Apache Harmony Tonny Lau wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I want to override some specific java methods with native fast path
> > > implementations. So I try to override them in
> > > compile_do_compilation_jit()(vm/vmcore/src/jit/compile.cpp), that is,
> > > I add several entries in
> > >
> > _stub_override_entries_base[](vm/vmcore/src/util/ia32/base/compile_IA32.cpp),
> > > and lookup this table
> > > before invoke jit->compile_method_with_params().
> >
> > This mechanism is not used (AFAIR and AFAICanSeeNow). The alternative
> > way is to support your "magics" within each JIT. (Mikhail does things
> > like that in OPT just from JavaByteCodeTranslator.cpp (see
> > isMagicClass(...))
> Thanks! I'll look it.
> > It works for JET, but failed when OPT recompile these method. Does the OPT
> > > go different path? If so, how can I override it? Does anyone can help
> > me?
> >
> > how does it fail? did you try it with -Xem:opt? (That's what I tend
> > to always ask about:)
> >
> > Just a guess: OPT expects some profile from JET, but cannot find any.
> I mean, the overriding succeeds when I use JET only, i.e., "java -
> Dem.properties=jet ...". If I use the default configuration "java ...", at
> the beginning, the overriding is successful because the code is compiled by
> JET. But later, when the EM invoke OPT to re-compile the hot code, the
> overriding does not work any longer. It fall back to the original java code.

yeah, that looks much like inlining :) hence, fixable in the inliner

> So, where do you think is the best place in OPT for the overriding
> code? 

I suppose overriding==your-custom-native-code?  Can your code be
written using ordinary (address) arithmetic and simple mem

If so, then the best method is to write it in Java using
*org.vmmagic.unboxed* package that Mikhail has just
implemented. Otherwise you can hack around
JavaByteCodeTranslator::invokevirtual and recognize your "magic"
methods there, replacing the method's invokation with your custom IR.

>And is there a common path for both JET and OPT?

No. Especially when you take OPT's inlining into
consideration. OPT can inline using only OPTs mechanisms that JET is
not aware of.

But *org.vmmagic.unboxed* can help you since it is supported both in
JET and OPT.

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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