Today I see several possible solutions. The complete solution with calling
arbitrary native methods from Java is not ready: we are just discussing it
in a separate thread. The first step of calling arbitrary native calls from
Java is VM helpers inlining framework. I'm going to commit it today and will
notify you about JIRA num. I hope it will serve as example.

The solutions we have today:

1) If you have only a few methods to be affected: create separate JIT
instance without inliner and add method filters to EM configuration file.
*.emconf files for details.

2) If you need to avoid inlining of special method in all Java methods you
can use 'skip_methods' parameter of inliner pass. See opt.emconf file to
check how to pass parameters to inliner.

3) Replace all calls to your method with VMHelperCall in translator. Process
it as direct calls in codegenerator. This solution was already proposed by

Mikhail Fursov

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