Mikhail Fursov wrote:
> Yes, the main reason I love Java is a power of tools! If you force me to
> work in notepad instead of IDEA with the only reason that we need a
> preprocessor I will have a doubt if the solution is reasonable.

Agreed. And that is a reason why it makes sense to have the original
source code compilable (as Etienne raised) -- so basic Java tooling can
still work on the original code even when there are no pre-processor
helpers around (though of course that would be more painful for the

> BTW I see from the discussion that AspectJ is considered as possible
> solution. I'm not a guru in this extension of Java and AFAIK it 
> allows only to add method-entry/exits code. You can't add logging
> into the middle of the method. You can't change the method behaviour
> with it. So the question is: what an improvement we will have with
> AspectJ?

You can have pointcuts on a whole number of events, including method
invocations but also exception handling, field assignments and accesses,
etc.  But you can only add behavior, you cannot subtract from the
original code.




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