Etienne Gagnon wrote:
Tim Ellison wrote:
IMO it's not ideal that the preprocessed source still contains all the
streams, albeit in comments.  It wouldn't make the source very
'consumable' to the Mrs. SE or ME developer.

Hmmm...  It's always possible to have a special output mode that puts
empty (or advertizing, hehe) comments, instead of other stream code
(thus, preserving line numbers).

To continue on my earlier example:

Java source => "j2se end-developer"


//  Download Harmony[tm] from
//  http://the.nice.harmony.url/download
//  :-)

  @Processor(Not in j2me!)
  int some_field =
    some +


Or, more likely:

Java source => "j2se end-developer"


//  Please  ignore this comment.  It has been
//  intentionally left here to preserve line numbers
//  for bug reporting purpose.
//  Please report bugs to http://bugs.of.harmony.url/...

  @Processor(Not in j2me!)
  int some_field =
    some +


So, J2ME & J2SE end-developers are kept happy.

I'm still not quite getting the importance of preserving the line numbers like that if we have some minimal tooling to let us work with it in eclipse or IDEA invisibly.... users would report bug at line X, and we'd either look at the transformed code that they are actually using, and translate backwards, or have a plugin that lets us "A/B" between transformed and original.

The key is to play with some examples, I guess.

As a bonu$, you can al$o $tart a nice busine$$ $elling advertizing $pace
in $ource code.  ;-P

It's our idea - you run with it. let us know how that works out. (I bet if you could convince some investor that it was a web2.0 thing, you could get it funded....)


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