Agreed. Without the explanation of JET as only a fast path, I also
thought JET and OPT are two different JITs. And actually as I can
recall, JET and OPT are indeed treated as two different JITs that the
EM can select in the JITs chain.

Honestly, "different paths" give me an impression that they are
different JITs, unless they share many common compilation steps
(passes). If they start from different IR and end in different
emitter, it would be hard to convince people they are only different
paths of the same JIT.

But anyway, this is only my observation. JIT developers decide how to
modularize JIT.


On 11/7/06, Pavel Pervov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jet is a startup fast compilation path, not a seperate pluggable jit. So,
> while modularity and seperation are important requirements,  they may not
> be
> needed here.

JET can work standalone (-Xem:jet specified), OPT can work standalone
(-Xem:opt), so from "outside" POV they are independent. Also, correct me if
I'm wrong, OPT does not reuse the results of JET compilation when
recompiling methods - it has its own completely independent pipeline.

We have lots of GCs now but we only have one JIT although modularity concept
of DRLVM allows to create different JITs.

Also, Mikhail and Alex are the best people to decide on this.They are
> literally the two people who know this code best :-)

Sure they are. That's why I've asked. They both have opposite POVs though.

Pavel Pervov,
Intel Enterprise Solutions Software Division

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