
we definetly need a link to this page. That's not a question.
Question is where to place the link.
And as I said in previous email link place suggestions are welcome.

SY, Alexey

2006/11/7, Morozova, Nadezhda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Would be great if there we some page that had a link to the page;
otherwise, you cannot find it from within wiki, only from the link in
your mail :(

Thank you,
Nadya Morozova

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexey Petrenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [jira] Good issue resolution guideline (was:
[classlib]volunteer to supply patches for old JIRAs)

I've published "Good issue resolution guideline" on Harmony site:
(wait for a while for the web site synchronization). It is not linked
to other pages yet.

So comments to guideline and link place suggestions are welcome.

SY, Alexey

2006/9/28, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sep 28, 2006, at 3:21 AM, Alexey Petrenko wrote:
> > Guys,
> >
> > Since there is no additional comments on this guideline...
> >
> > Let's put it somewhere.
> > We got two options: Harmony site and wiki.
> > I prefer wiki because it will be easy to edit it and I can put it
> > there myself :)
> And if you put in a patch for website, we can get it there too :)  if
> you put in wiki, I'm going to take and put on site, so maybe save us
> some effort? (ok, save me the effort...)
> geir
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > SY, Alexey
> >
> > 2006/9/26, Alexey Petrenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> I've combined all the comments again.
> >>
> >> And here is the last version. I hope... :)
> >>
> >> === cut ===
> >> Preface
> >> This guideline covers a wide range of issues but not all of them.
> >> If you cannot do one of the steps, then write a comment to the
> >> Use your common sense!
> >>
> >> Issue reporter:
> >> 1. Explicitly state the expected behavior and the
> >> actual behavior of Harmony code. Use links to specs, rfcs, etc.
> >> 2. Try to create as small a test case as possible. A patch
> >> to test will be highly appreciated.
> >> 3. Provide max. information about steps necessary to recreate the
> >> bug.
> >> If a patch for the test has not been supplied, provide as much
> >> diagnostic information about the failure as possible (stack trace,
> >> failure output, expected output etc).
> >> 4. Remember to use issue links if applicable.
> >> 5. Check the issue resolution when it is committed. Add a comment.
> >>
> >> Resolution provider :) :
> >> Depending on the type of issue, do the following:
> >>
> >> 1. Issue is probably a non-bug difference, not a bug or invalid:
> >>   1.1. Discuss on the dev list.
> >>   1.2. Add a link to the discussion thread as a comment to issue.
> >> 2. Issue is a bug:
> >>   2.1. Notify the community that you started investigation by
> >> a comment to the issue and send a message to dev list. If you
> >> produce a patch, add another comment with the results of your
> >> investigation.
> >>   2.2. If reporter did not provide a patch to test:
> >>       2.2.1. Try to create a patch to test.
> >>       2.2.2. If you cannot produce a patch, write a comment about
> >>   2.3. Create a patch to fix the issue
> >>       2.3.1. Any concerns? Discuss on the dev list. Add a link to
> >> discussion as a comment.
> >>   2.4. All the pacthes (test and fix) should be relative to the
> >> directory where the main build.xml is:
> >>
> >> classlib/trunk.
> >> Or to the module root directory.
> >>   2.5. Test and fix patches should be in different files.
> >>   2.6. If the patch requires to add, remove or move some files in
> >> repository, add the appropriate script.
> >>   2.6. Check that all unit tests pass.
> >>   2.8. If it is an application-oriented issue, check the
> >>   2.9. Remember to use issue links if applicable.
> >>
> >> Committer:
> >> Depending on the issue type, do:
> >> 1. Issue is a non-bug difference, not a bug or invalid:
> >> Close the issue.
> >> 2. Issue is a bug:
> >>   2.1. If a patch to test is available, apply it.
> >>   2.2. Check that the test fails.
> >>   2.3. Apply the fix for the issue.
> >>   2.4. Check that test succeeds now.
> >>   2.5. Make sure that all unit tests pass.
> >>   2.6. For application-oriented issues, check the application.
> >>   2.7. If there are problems on previous steps, post a comment to
> >> JIRA and let "resolution provider" to resolve.
> >>   2.8. Make sure that the issue reporter is happy with the
> >> resolution.
> >>   2.9. Add revision info into JIRA issue
> >> === cut ===
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Alexey A. Petrenko
> > Intel Middleware Products Division
> >
> >
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