>-----Original Message-----
>From: Konovalova, Svetlana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 3:24 PM
>To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
>Subject: RE: [jira] Good issue resolution guideline (was:
>[classlib]volunteer to supply patches for old JIRAs)
>Alexey wrote:
>>Do we really need a smiley in the header: "Resolution Provider :)"?
>Of course not, since it's not just a friendly correspondence:) suggest
>to remove.


>>AFAIK, for headings one should use Title Capitalization, i.e. first
>>letter of each word is capitalized with exception for articles,
>>prepositions, and conjunctions. Or am I wrong?
>You are absolutely right here.
>>And another comment. Will it be better to use different numbering in
>>lists? I mean like this:
>>1. Issue is probably a non-bug...
>>      a. Discuss on dev-list.
>>      b. Add a link...
>>2. Issue is a bug:
>>      a. Notify the community...
>>      b. If reporter did not provide a patch to test...
>I, personally, do not see any reason why not to use different
>For such complex lists, we usually use numbers for the first level and
>bullets for the second one.

I don't mind using bullets. However, numbered lists are good for
referring: you can just say 1.a. On the other hand, since we agreed on
this guideline, I see nothing which stops us from making nested lists

>Speaking about the "Good issue resolution guideline" page, I'd rewrite
>it to get rid of complex lists and to avoid a sort of confusion:
>If the issue is not a bug, ...:
>   1. Discuss on dev-list.
>   2. Add a link...
>If the issue is a bug,...:
>   1. Notify the community...
>   2. If reporter did not provide a patch to test...
>What would you say?

That's fine with me. Maybe just add some styling, so that "If the issue
is not a bug,..." and "If the issue is a bug..." stand out, using bold
for example.

>By the way, I'm going to create a patch to add links from the website
>to this page. If you do not mind, I can correct the page as well in
>between times... how about that?


By the way there's another problem with the page: it has misplaced </li>
in the first item below the heading "Issue reporter". (So that some text
belongs to <ol> itself.) This makes the list look weirdly in Mozilla
Firefox whereas IE handles this error.


>Best regards,
>Sveta Konovalova
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ivanov, Alexey A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:50 PM
>To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
>Subject: RE: [jira] Good issue resolution guideline (was:
>[classlib]volunteer to supply patches for old JIRAs)
>Do we really need a smiley in the header: "Resolution Provider :)"?
>AFAIK, for headings one should use Title Capitalization, i.e. first
>letter of each word is capitalized with exception for articles,
>prepositions, and conjunctions. Or am I wrong?
>Does anyone mind to mark up file names (build.xml) and paths
>(https://svn.apache.org/...) in monospaced font using <code> tags?
>Is it worth making repository path a link?
>And another comment. Will it be better to use different numbering in
>lists? I mean like this:
>1. Issue is probably a non-bug...
>       a. Discuss on dev-list.
>       b. Add a link...
>2. Issue is a bug:
>       a. Notify the community...
>       b. If reporter did not provide a patch to test...
>Any comments?
>Alexey A. Ivanov
>Intel Middleware Product Division
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Alexey Petrenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:32 PM
>>To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>Subject: Re: [jira] Good issue resolution guideline (was:
>>[classlib]volunteer to supply patches for old JIRAs)
>>I've published "Good issue resolution guideline" on Harmony site:
>>(wait for a while for the web site synchronization). It is not linked
>>to other pages yet.
>>So comments to guideline and link place suggestions are welcome.
>>SY, Alexey


Alexey A. Ivanov
Intel Middleware Product Division

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