In addition to excluding some tests, I would suggest removing
smoke/classloader/ClassTestGetDeclaringClass as it is exact copy of kernel
test with the same name.
Also, smoke/classloader/ExceptionInInitializerTest must be returned to
acceptance runs.


On 10/25/06, Volynets, Vera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some tests launched by command "build test" fail.
The idea of  "build test" is to run it before each commit. In this way you
can catch regressions.
In order to effectively catch regressions, i.e. tests that started to fail
after some change,
it's necessary to have 'build test' pass in a stable way. One of the ways
to achieve stable state
is to exclude failing tests or tests which show unstable behavior.
So I analysed statistics of test runs on win ia32 platform and made up a
list of tests to be excluded:
1) smoke
*** gc.LOS fails always on jitrino and interpreter, debug and release
2) kernel
*** java.lang.ClasssGenericsTest and
*** java.lang.ClassGenericsTest4 fail because of timeout, so I  increase
timeout in kernel.test.xml
*** java.lang.ObjectTest fail on interpreter with following message:
    Testsuite: java.lang.ObjectTest
    Tests run: 18, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 6.109 sec
    Testcase: testWait1(java.lang.ObjectTest): FAILED
    An InterruptedException must be thrown in test thread!
   junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: An InterruptedException must be
thrown in test thread!

See HARNONY-1966 issue with attached patch.

Vera Volynets
Intel Middleware ProductsDivision

Pavel Pervov,
Intel Enterprise Solutions Software Division

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