Gregory Shimansky wrote:
2) kernel
*** java.lang.ClasssGenericsTest and
*** java.lang.ClassGenericsTest4 fail because of timeout, so I  increase
timeout in kernel.test.xml

These tests work for me on Windows. But on Linux these tests fail with lost of different exceptions:

For java.lang.ClassGenericsTest:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.ClassGenericsTest$Mc009^Z^Z^Z
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/ClassGenericsTest$Mc007^Z
java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type java.lang.ClassGenericsTest$Mc009\0d5\0b6\0db\080\0db\0b1 not present

For java.lang.ClassGenericsTest4:

Some NPEs from unobvious sources. I've attached two test reports to this email. Anyways, it looks like timeout is not the case for these tests failures.

Ok I think I've found the cause of problems with these two tests on Linux which I had yesterday. On Gentoo I have russian locale set "ru_RU.KOI8-R" while on all other Linux installations it appears there are various combinations of *.UTF-8 locales (usually "en_US.UTF-8", but I found "en_AU.UTF-8" on oner server).

I experimented a bit with this stuff and found out that these tests work ok when locale is some sort of UTF-8 one, including ru_RU.UTF-8 one.

The result of test run is actually affected by locale set at compilation time, not the one set at the subsequent test runs. When locale at compile time is set to *.UTF-8, then test run is successful on any locale set after it. If locale is set to something simple like "C" (!) or "ru_RU.KOI8-R" at compile time then test run fails no matter what locale is set when tests are running.

I wonder what we should blame here, compiler, VM, classlib or the tests?

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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