Thanks, Eli, for an erudite and thought-provoking response.  But, I do have 
a couple of caveats (You thought I woudn't?!).  You say, "It is about time 
that we present ourselves using current terminology."  You also say, "We 
should feel comfortable using those terms because they accurately describe 
our duties and functions."  I'm afraid I'm not that much of a 
pragmatist.  As  I have attempted to make clear, I don't object to modern 
technology, per se, but I do object when the use of that technology leads 
to a change in our perception of exactly what the nature of our work may 
be, and much more basically the exact nature of the world of which we are 
among the guides.  Those who use that terminology clearly do not do so in a 
neutral way.  I still remember a friend and colleague at another 
institution, who said that as soon as someone invented the wheel, our 
relationship to the ground changed.  That is philosophy, not neutral 
terminology.  Academic librarians have struggled for years against the 
perception that they are simply "glorified secretaries" (My apologies to 
all secretaries, for whom I have the highest respect; I am only repeating 
what others have said.).  I don't want us to give the ignorant even more 
ammunition to use against us.  It's bad enough that too many administrators 
see technology as a means of speading up production, and see additional 
advanced degrees only as a means of making the library look better in the 
eyes of the public.  In one way I am a pragmatist.  I will use just about 
any technology available so long as it does what I want it to do.  I'm not 
particularly concerned about adopting it just because the rest of the world 
thinks I should.  And, yes we do still have a card catalog here, with an 
active manual shelf list, but we also have an online catalog, full internet 
connections, and a wide variety of both electronic and printed 
resources.  We use what works for us and what fits our budget.


Dan Rettberg

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