I support Eli's comments in many ways.  It sometimes feels that 
librarianship has been sinking in status since I was in school (1970-71), 
and that it probably has never had much status.  The ubiquity of web'based 
services and online searching from home has certainly not enhanced our 
community's identity.

I would not be quite as harsh on the AJL as he is, though.  We have 
recruited students in various schools (even as the number of LS's has 
shrunk) over the past years, and have encouraged attendance at the 
Conventions through our subsidies and the scholarships.  It isn't much, but 
it isn't nothing, either.

It is also instructive that the ATLA is also trying to recruit.  From my 
own travels, discussions with minister-friends, and peeks into church 
libraries, they are frequently more dismal than ours. I see it as a comment 
on the importance we (as Jews and as librarians) place on the need for 
access at the local level. The fact that our members are not paid (there is 
another posting today about that issue)  is regrettable, but true.

In the end, I am not entirely happy with our situation, Eli.  There is 
indeed more we can do. There are ways to act that we need to move toward 
increasing our numbers, our significance, and our involvement.  But I would 
not say we are either without resources, either.

Fred Isaac
Oakland, CA

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