" I agree that we are not to judge what is appropriately "Jewish" in general."
Am I to understand there is no basic definition in AJL for what is 
appropriately Jewish. If this is the case what is purpose of the 
organization and the book recommendations it makes? People look to a 
professional organization for standards of what to purchase. It is true 
that each institution collects according to its individual guidelines, but 
are we to say that AJL has no guidelines? Is the purpose of the AJL to be a 
clearinghouse for anything and everything without regard to cultural and 
religious ramifications? AJL serves a wide spectrum of Jewish institutions 
and philosophies, are we now facing the same battle as the outside world 
for the heart and soul of Jewish literature? It is very disturbing that a 
professional librarian who may look to AJL for advice and suggestions has 
to practice, let the buyer beware. Many of the comments to my post clearly 
show that AJL is not an even playing field. Sensitivity for philosophy and 
outlook should exist on both the right and left side of the aisle.

Eliezer M. Wise
Library Director
Tuttleman Library of Gratz College

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