--- Eli Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Am I to understand there is no basic definition in
 > AJL for what is
 > appropriately Jewish?

I checked the "Mission & Goals" section of the AJL

Under "Mission" :

The Association fosters access to information,
learning, teaching and research relating to Jews,
Judaism, the Jewish experience and Israel.

[Jews, Judaism and "the Jewish experience" are

Under "Goals" :

4. Facilitate and encourage establishment of Judaica
library collections.

["Judaica library collection" is undefined]

So, I think the answer is "No, Eli, there is no basic
definition in AJL of what is appropriately Jewish".

Hypothetically, Eli, what definition would you
recommend for us to adopt?

Steven M. Bergson, Librarian
Jewish Public Library of Toronto

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