Dear Safranim,

Many of you don't know me because we cannot send multiple people to 
participate in the annual AJL Convention. Given the high registration fees, 
the high hotel costs and then the travel to the location, a very limited 
representation comes from the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, 
where we have 15 librarians and 10 subject specialists.

Over the past five years I, along with at least two or three other members 
of our staff, have attended the NAAUG (North American ALEPH Users Group) 
conference. Each year it is on a college campus. There is the option of 
staying in dorm rooms or in local hotels of all price ranges. The food, 
which includes specially ordered vegetarian or kosher food, is provided by 
the University. The meeting rooms are ample and are well equipped by the 
conference center of the University, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily 
congenial on a college campus. This year's conference was at the University 
of Maryland in College Park. The library staff was deeply involved in 
working on the conference. They did a fabulous job. The program is 
organized by a nation-wide conference committee, not by a local committee. 
The cost is $250 for a 3-day conference including some meals. The dorm 
rooms, as I recall, were $54 per night. Alternatively, there were numerous 
hotels where people stayed. The meeting were held in the student center and 
in the library. The group was cohesive. There were about 300 people in 

I highly recommend utilizing the resources of many large academic libraries 
or alternatively one of the retreat centers mentioned by others. We are 
librarians whose role is to provide information to as many people as 
possible. By changing the format of the AJL conference it will enable more 
of our colleagues to participate, learn, network and spread their knowledge 
and skills learned to their users. Making a change in the venue can make a 
change in the profession.

I would be willing to work on such a project.

Naomi M. Steinberger
Director of Library Services
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
phone: 212-678-8982
fax: 212-678-8891

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