Aaron Kuperman and Daniel Stuhlman have responded appropriately to
Aviva Astrinsky's over-zealous endorsement of keyword searching. I
recall several scholarly studies I read in graduate library school
over 35 years ago that corroborate what they've said... and more!

The advantages of a controlled vocabulary approach to subject 
searching (ie. subject headings) with cross references of various 
types is well established and has been significantly strengthened 
through the use of computer-based catalogue searching. There's lots 
of documented theory behind these things, folks, if you'd only take a 
look at your old grad school notes :-)

Where I heartily agree with Aviva is her remark about not doing any
analysis of individual titles in a series. That's like throwing out 
the baby with the bathwater! Viva Aviva on that score!

Bernard Katz, former head, Special Collections and Library Development
                            McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
    author, descriptive bibliog. of L.M. Montgomery's books (in progress)
    and founding treasurer, AJL - Ontario Chapter

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