Dear Colleagues,

I spoke with Esther and reiterated to her my personal appreciation 
for the connections she made for me. It was Esther Nussbaum who told 
me that there was a job opening at JTS and encouraged me to apply in 
the summer of 1987. It is to Esther that I give thanks for her 
support in "launching" my career as a Judaica librarian.

Esther has made an enormous contribution to the field of Judaica 
librarianship both at Ramaz, developing the library and its' 
programming and in her involvement in AJL on a national level and in 
the NYMA Chapter. Her intelligence, sensitivity, grace and charm have 
enabled her access to may outstanding people who she has brought to 
the organization and enabled to contribute.

I wish Esther all good things in her new career. I am sure that this 
new chapter will be a most satisfying combination of new, interesting 
work and family time. I am so glad that we live close to each other 
and will continue to see each other regularly on a social basis.

Yashar koach and may you go from strength to strength!


Naomi M. Steinberger
Director of Library Services
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
phone: 212-678-8982
fax: 212-678-8891

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