"Reliable sources" for a JEWISH library group include at the various least
all groups represented in the Israeli parliament (and probably those who
are excluded or refuse to participate such as Neutrei Karta or Kakh). It
includes those who feel that the solution is for Israel to give up its
identity as a Jewish state, and those who feel that the only solution is a
policy of deIslamification similar to the deNazificiation imposed on the
Germans after WWII. It includes those who feel Olmert is a traitor for
giving back Gaza and planning to give away most of the West Bank and
perhaps much of Jerusalem, and those who feel that the settlers and others
are traitors for trying to sabotage a lawful democratic government elected
by the majority of the Israeli people in free elections which has
determined which foreign policy is most likely to lead to peace). It
includes those who feel that support of zionism is a mitzvah, those who
feel it is an averiah (sin), and those who feel it is irrelevant from a
Jewish religious perspective.


Anti-Jewish and anti-Israel prejudice in library organizations is a
different matter. So might be complaining about discrimination against
Sabbath observant librarians, or biases implicit in library policies.

Aaron Wolfe Kuperman
LC, Social Science Cataloging Division, Law Team

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