I wonder why the List moderator continues to allow it to be used for 
entirely inapropriate "messages" that are unrelated to the reason
for and subject nature of Hasafran? David has his own special e-mail
distribution for his Israel commentary and information, which I am
on and receive. Why do they continue to appear on Hasafran? Not all
on the List agrees with all the non-library or non-association "news" 
items that appear here!

Should I, for example, start posting news items that charge Israel
with violating various human rights protocols which it has signed, or
present bona fide information about the Orr Commission Report, which
demonstrates how Israel has and continues to discriminate harshly and
at an official level against its own non-Jewish citizenry? I don't
think I should, and I haven't done so. I also haven't posted URLs to
photos or YouTube videos that illustrate harsh treatment of Israeli 
citizens or Palestinians by the IDF or the Border Police. Why do we
allow URLs to be posted that direct us to photos on new olim arriving
at Lod? Is this List to be allowed to be used for anything and every
kind of propaganda - both for and against Israel's actions?

My query is a *serious* one khevre - please don't dismiss it out of

Bernard Katz, former head, Special Collections and Library Development
                           McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
   author, descriptive bibliog. of L.M. Montgomery's books (in progress)
   founding treasurer, Association of Jewish Libraries, Ontario Chapter
   treasurer, Association for Canadian Jewish Studies
   founding member, Canadian Jewish Book Awards
   past chair, Ontario Library Association Copyright Task Force
   and past chair, OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee

On Tue, 13 May 2008, David Elazar wrote:

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Ha-Safran Archives:
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