I believe our HaSafran community encompasses people all over the US, 
Canada, Israel and the world. I personally am connected to many 
people outside my region whom I've met at Convention and even just 
through virtual communication on the Web. It enriches my experience 
to learn about programs conducted in places other than my own region, 
and to know what others are doing in our profession.
The subject line is usually adequate to determine if I need to open a 
message, so if something isn't pertinent to me  I don't feel 
compelled to read through the whole thing.
How sad that someone would wish to curtail and censor the information 
which is so freely offered and so relevant to many.

Joyce Levine, Librarian
North Shore Hebrew Academy High School
400 North Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020
(516) 487-2424 ext. 1140

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