I respectfully disagree as well.  I enjoy seeing what the NY chapters 
and others are doing, topics being covered, names of lecturers 
(perhaps they are names I want to be familiar with).  I also enjoy 
the political arguments because it indicates the diversity of Jews on 
Hasafran and who they are, where they stand both professionally and 
politically. And Hasafran is an online community - community is the 
key word, I hope. Though I'm in a big city and know other Judaic 
librarians, I essentially work in isolation and Hasafran is something 
I look forward to checking.  Deleting is quick and painless, much 
easier than weeding books!

Toby Harris, Librarian
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
(206)315-7398  Seattle
(206)323-8486, Ext. 7481  Bellevue

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