Hallo all

This new book should be of interest:

Kosman, Admiel
Men's World
Reading Masculinity in Jewish Stories in a Spiritual Context
2009. 174 S. - 155 x 230 mm. Festeinband

"Men's World" presents a selection of tales from the Jewish sources 
concerned with masculinity and machismo, which it analyzes with tools 
taken from a range of disciplines: gender studies, psychoanalysis, 
anthropology, literature, and philosophy. These narratives depict a 
diversity of human situations in everyday life: love and jealousy, 
ugliness and beauty, wealth and poverty, pettiness and magnanimity, 
falseness and authenticity.


shabbat shalom

Chaim Seymour

Chaim Seymour
Head of Cataloging and Classification
Wurzweiler Libary
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan, Israel, 52900
Tel: 972-3-5318127, Fax 972-3-7384065


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